
Jerome Schultz
Distinguished Professor
Office Location SERC 2010
Phone 713-743-4098
Email jschult4 [at] central.uh.edu
Website http://schultzlab.bme.uh.edu/
Ph.D. Biochemistry, (minor Ch. E.), University of Wisconsin
M.S. Chemical Engineering, Columbia University
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Columbia University
Capstone Design II (BIOE 4336)
Graduate Bioengineering Seminar (BIOE 6111)
Awards and Honors
2013 Fellow, American Chemical Society
2013 Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
2008 Named one of “100 Chemical Engineers of the Modern Era”, American Institute of Chemical Engineering
2005 Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society
2002 Donald Katz Lectureship, University of Michigan, School of Engineering
2000 Marvin J. Johnson Biotechnology Award, Amer Chem Society, BIOT Division
1999 University of Pittsburgh Distinguished Service Professor of Engineering
1997 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1997 Whitaker Plenary Lecturer, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
1995 Career Achievement Award, Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology
1994 Member, National Academy of Engineering
1992 Founding Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
1984 Bioengineering Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
1983 Excellence in Research Award, University of Michigan, College of Engineering
1979 Ruth Symposium Lecturer, Iowa State University
1970-1975 NIH Research Career Development Award for Membrane Transport
Research Interests
Biosensors, Facilitated Diffusion in Membranes, Restricted Diffusion in Membranes, Transport Processes in Tissues, Pharmacokinetics, Immobilized Enzymes, Bioimaging.
Selected Publications
- Schultz JS, Thirty-fifth anniversary of the optical affinity sensor for glucose: A personal retrospective. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 9(1):153-5 (2015).
- AD Pant, K Nagamine, I Shiraki, E Torikai, K Shimomura, FL Pratt, H Ariga, K Ishida, JS Schultz, Muonium response to oxygen content in biological aqueous solutions for cancer research , Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551 (1), 012043 (2014)
- X. Huang; S.Li; J.S. Schultz; Q. Wang; Q. Lin. A dielectric affinity microbiosensor Applied Physics Letters. 96 (3) 033701 - 033701-3 (2010)
- X. Huang; S. Li, J. Schultz, Q. Wang; Q. Lin A Capacitive MEMS Viscometric Sensor for Affinity Detection of Glucose J. Microelectromechanical Systems. 18: 1246-1254 (2009) DOI 10.1109/JMEMS.2009.2034869
- Huang, X. Li, S. ; Schultz, J. ; Wang, Q. ; Lin, Q. A MEMS Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Glucose in Subcutaneous Tissue352-355 978-1-4244-2978-309 (2009) IEEE DOI 10.1109/MEMSYS.2009.4805391
- Xian Huanga, Siqi Li b, Jerome S. Schultzc, QianWangb, Qiao Lina,∗ A MEMS affinity glucose sensor using a biocompatible glucose-responsive polymerSensors and Actuators B 140: 603–609 (2009)
- J. Vasquez, A. Vu, J.S. Schultz, V. Vullev. Fluorescence Enhancement of Warfarin Induced by Interaction with β -Cyclodextrin. Biotechnology Progress, 25: 906-914 (2009).
- X. Huang, S. Li, J. S. Schultz, Q. Wang, Q. Lin. A MEMS Affinity Glucose Sensor Using a Biocompatible Glucose-Responsive Polymer. Sensors and Actuators B 140 (2): 603-609 (2009)
- K. Nagamine, E. Torikai, K. Shimomura, Y. Ikedo, J.S. Schultz. Molecular radiation biological effect in wet protein and DNA observed in the measurements of labeled electron with muons. Physica B 404: 953–956 (2009)
- D. Gao, W. Chen, A. Mulchandani, and J.S. Schultz. Detection of Tumor Markers Based on Extinction Spectra of Visible Light Passing through Gold Nanoholes, Applied Physics Letters (90:073901) (2007).
- K. Nagamine, K. Shimomura, H. Miyadera, Y.-J. Ki, R.H. Scheicher, T. P. Das and J.S. Schultz. Hemoglobin Magnetism in Aqueous Solution Probed by Muon Spin Relaxation and Future Applications to Brain Research. Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B83: 120-126 (2007).
- K. Nagamine, S. Shimomura, K. Imai, J.S. Schultz. Probing magnetism in human blood by muon spin relaxation. Physica B, 374-375: 444-447 (2006)