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Biased-Alternating Current Electrophoresis Method to Enrich the Biomolecules on paper

Qingrong He
S 105
Point-of-Care (POC) molecular and proteomic diagnostics often require target enrichment for optimal detection. Current methods, such as field amplification stacking, isoelectric focusing, and ion concentration polarization, rely on factors like buffer composition and specialized membranes, adding complexity. We propose Biased Alternating Current Electrophoresis (b-ACEP) as a rapid, affordable, and simple solution for protein and DNA enrichment on paper substrates. B-ACEP uses spatially non-uniform AC electric fields to transfer charged species. In our experiments, xylene cyanol, a DNA gel electrophoresis marker, was enriched sevenfold on cellulose paper using screen-printed carbon electrodes and a 50 V, 100 Hz sine wave. These results highlight the potential of paper-based b-ACEP for sensitive, cost-effective assays, advancing POC diagnostics for pathogen and disease detection