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Student Success

Renee Badilla, who expects to graduate from Cullen College with her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering in 2026, will be honored with the Cynthia Oliver Coleman, P.E. Rising Star Award at this year’s Women in…
Society of Women Engineers’ Badilla Honored with WIE Rising Star Award
Thomas Padgett, a biomedical engineering graduate from the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering, earned a fellowship to attend the National Science Foundation's 21st International Summer Academy BIO-X on AI, ML,…
BME student Padgett selected for NSF academy
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 2
REMINDER! You can view the ceremony live on YouTube by click here! Replay available shortly after as well. Hello there to all friends and family of the Cullen College of Engineering's Spring 2024 graduation class! In honor of…
 2024 Cullen Spring Commencement Live Blog - Ceremony 1
A doctoral student at the Cullen College of Engineering has been recognized with a NASA Silver Achievement Medal, for outstanding leadership and innovation of the biomedical and countermeasure hardware selection and flight…
BME Ph.D. student Seyedmadani earns NASA Silver Achievement Medal
Three Cullen College of Engineering doctoral student graduates – all now working in industry – have been recognized for stellar work on their dissertations for the 2022-23 academic year. To recognize the value of the outstanding…
Fang, Mallette, Mozaffari honored for dissertations
Biomedical Engineering senior Lilly Roelofs didn't even know she was being considered for this year's Cynthia Oliver Coleman, P.E. Rising Star Award, but she was ecstatic when she received the email announcing her as the…
BME's Roelofs 2023 Rising Star Award winner
The Cullen College of Engineering offers its congratulations to the 16 students who have been named Outstanding Juniors and Seniors for the 2022-23 academic year. Students are nominated by professors, with one junior and one…
Cullen recognizes 16 Outstanding Juniors and Seniors for 2022-23
The University of Houston's Engineering Alumni Association honored 42 different students with more than $21,000 in scholarships at the 2023 Engineer's Week Program, hosted in February Daniel Herrera, an Electrical Engineering…
More than 40 students honored at EAA celebration
The third season of the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering STEMINIST podcast has now resumed, with new episodes dropping weekly through the end of the semester. The latest episode features an interview by Aria…
Season 3 of STEMINIST podcast resumes
The University of Houston's wing of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers has earned a National Chapter of the Year for 2021-22 from the national leadership of the group. According to award criteria, National Chapter…
SHPE-UH honored with National Chapter of the Year award
When Cullen College of Engineering student Quynh Nguyen read the email from the University Network notifying her that she had won a 2021 Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship, she admits that it was a shocking experience for her. “…
BME student Nguyen wins Hyundai Women in STEM scholarship
After completing an experience and expertise-building internship this summer, junior Biomedical Engineering student Elizabeth Perry is excited about the opportunity to build on that momentum with her studies at the Cullen College…
BME student Perry looks to transition from internship to industry
Reflecting the organization's commitment to the community, the Dow Promise Program has awarded a $10,000 grant to the University of Houston branch of the National Society of Black Engineers, to partner with the Blodgett Urban…
UH NSBE receives $10k grant for community garden revamp
Growing up, Sarah Hakam knew she wanted to go to medical school, but she also knew that she didn't want to go via the conventional route, by pursuing a biology or chemistry major. “I wanted more out of my undergraduate education…
Hakam's drive leads to Outstanding Student award, graduate studies
A recently published paper from a team of researchers and students from multiple departments at the Cullen College of Engineering and the McGovern Medical School at UTHealth proposes a way to provide real-time, continuous…
Biomed, ECE, McGovern collaboration leads to new epilepsy research
A graduate from the Cullen College of Engineering has received a first round of funding from the National Institutes of Health FastTrack program for research into chronic pelvic pain management, with close to $2 million…
UH alum Dias receives NIH funding for chronic pelvic pain research
Larissa Ikelle, a doctoral student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the Cullen College of Engineering, has received funding from the National Institutes of Health’s Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award…
BME doctoral student Ikelle earns NRSA for eye research
Four students from the Cullen College of Engineering are among the winners of this year's University of Houston Graduate Research Showcase Virtual Poster Session. Held on March 22, the event showcases the breadth and depth of…
4 Cullen College graduate students honored for posters
Three graduate students from the Cullen College of Engineering have received scholarships from the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TcSUH), as recognition for their work inside and outside of the…
Three graduate students receive TcSUH scholarships